Vanessa Behan volunteers come from all walks of life: young and old; single and married; male and female. Regardless of their background or station in life, all will tell you they get back so much more than they give to our organization
Following are a few comments our volunteers have shared with us:

The mission of the Crisis Nursery is so powerful and it is so easy to feel valued there. I feel they genuinely need us, and at the end of an evening I know that that time would have been near impossible for the staff without our help. Some of the children really need one-on-one attention.

I love feeling like I'm part of these kids' development. The kids love the one-on-one attention and I feel like I'm really making a difference.

As corporate citizens we have a responsibility to give back to the community that we draw from. As individuals, we also have the responsibility to provide for those less fortunate. In the case of abused children, we also must provide support and direct our activities toward prevention.

My time as a nursery volunteer has been a very rewarding and fulfilling experience…getting to know the children, loving and nurturing them during their stay here. What I get back is tenfold knowing that I make a difference for the time I am with them! What keeps me coming back is knowing that there is such a need in our community for the work and the mission that the Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery fulfills each day, with each child that is served.